Monday, November 30, 2009

What is Facebook and how is it different from myspace and other websites like that???

my friend asked my to join and requested me as a friend but I don't know anything about it.

What is Facebook and how is it different from myspace and other websites like that???

facebook is a site like myspace- which originally started out as just for college students-- but they have changed so that you can just sign up- but only people within your networks and your friends can view you facebook page. You can change the settings so that only your friends can view your profile- the setup of profiles is set- you cannot make add information, but you cannot change background, font style/color/size of your profile.

What is Facebook and how is it different from myspace and other websites like that???

facebook it a web site that is like myspace but it is just for collage students

What is Facebook and how is it different from myspace and other websites like that???

Facebook is a networking friendship site. It is mostly associated with colleges with the inclusion of counties. It is different from myspace due to the higher sophistication unlike myspace which is easily accesable by kids.

What is Facebook and how is it different from myspace and other websites like that???

Facebook is a social networking website. It is similar to myspace, but it lacks a lot of the customizable features of it. For instance, you can't change the font, background or layout so you are stuck with the basic default profile for Facebook.

One of the advantages of Facebook is that it makes it easy to find old friends, especially if you are a college/university student. I've been able to locate people from my old high school and even an elementary school I attended for a couple of years.

What is Facebook and how is it different from myspace and other websites like that???

Facebook is unlike Myspace.

I like Facebook, it's clean and simple. I'm unimpressed by the ability of myspace users to customize their profiles.. they never got them close to pretty. And every profile seems to be so long, making it very slow to load.

So.. I think, Myspace is for someone who wanna show to other people what kind of person they truly are (by those "unique" customization), regardless of whether they are able to do this right or not.

And facebook is for someone who wanna keep it simple, easy and just focus on sharing sharable things, interacting with friends and others in similar group, while still being able to show their truly self.

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