Sunday, December 6, 2009

I wanna make my font and color and size on my myspace profile to look different How do i do that?

Use either of these for color

%26lt;font color="FFCCFF"%26gt;TEXT %26lt;/font%26gt;

%26lt;font color="yellow"%26gt; TEXT%26lt;/font%26gt;

Use these for font style (I usually go into my MS Word to find a style I like)

%26lt;font face="Helvetica"%26gt; TEXT%26lt;/font%26gt;

%26lt;font face="Baskerville"%26gt; TEXT %26lt;/font%26gt;

%26lt;font face="Lucida"%26gt;TEXT%26lt;/font%26gt;

And these for the size

%26lt;font size="1"%26gt;TEXT%26lt;/font%26gt;

%26lt;font size="2"%26gt;TEXT%26lt;/font%26gt;

%26lt;font size="3"%26gt;TEXT%26lt;/font%26gt;

%26lt;font size="4"%26gt;TEXT%26lt;/font%26gt;

%26lt;font size="5"%26gt;TEXT%26lt;/font%26gt;

I left you a link to a site with all sorts of basic HTML down with the sources = p Hope it helps!!

I wanna make my font and color and size on my myspace profile to look different How do i do that?

Try this code!

%26lt;font color =blue%26gt; and you could replace blue with any color

%26lt;font size =3%26gt; the size would be how big you want the font

Hope this helped!

Good Luck!

I wanna make my font and color and size on my myspace profile to look different How do i do that?

i was tied up with the sme qstn for ages,

i went to

it tought me so many things so here:

there are too types.;;;

to change color you can u se either of theese:

%26lt;font color="COLORHERE"%26gt; WORDS HERE %26lt;/font color%26gt;


%26lt;font color="COLORHERE"%26gt;WORDS HERE %26lt;/font%26gt;

do the same to change the size exept use the word "Size" in stead of color like this:

%26lt;font size ="COLORHERE"%26gt;WORDS HERE %26lt;/font%26gt;

%26lt;font size="COLORHERE"%26gt; WORDS HERE %26lt;/font size%26gt;

hope it hepls. %26amp; to change your font just do this

%26lt;arial%26gt; or %26lt;tahoma%26gt; ot whatever font u want. just type in google "myspace fonts" and it will come up

xoo hope it hepls

I wanna make my font and color and size on my myspace profile to look different How do i do that?

go to there is a myspace tutorial there. and you can go to 'myspace basics' . u will learn


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